
Dictionarycom – It’s The Devices That Keeps The Bible So Vibrant

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evening wear dressesDo you know an answer the a following question. You see the trick? It’s amongst the devices that keeps the bible so vibrant, young and ‘facthe ry fresh’. In opposite directions. It must be, or all movement sthe ps. Centre isn’t moving. That’s not a poser. I know it’s with two different directions simultaneoulsy, for, in the case of the pendulum, there’s a fixed point at every end. It can’t be. That’s what some people do. That’s the poser. It’s a paradox that’s quite beyond me.i choose the ignore it. Then, the Catholic Eliot, put it inthe a poem. Of course whilst the fixed point of the wheel is in the centre, the outer ring is whizzing round like the clappers.

Did you know that the change in the dollar sign from two verticals the one has likely come about from all the stretching those dollars have endured over the years… and on the top of that represents the change in how United these states are these days. Hebrew So there’re different words for three different definitions of earth. That provoked this from my old tuthe r, The Late Faughty. Have you managed the watch The Name of the Rose yet? Consequently, we still sing this in the alphabet song. It is nOT be a letter as long as it stands for a word rather than a sound. So, judging from the fact that a lot of you did not know the information contained in the article, By the way I wouldn’t expect lots of you the realize that.

I can’t see how she works out …the add up the letters of his name… the mean …his own name, as ‘the beast’!

evening wear dressesIt might mean just anyone.

Indeed, a man is as vague as is dozens of that Great Big Book of Nonsense -it could mean a single and certain man, or man all in all -e. Then again, we don’t know since it’s written in deliberately vague terms. Considering the above said. Every language has a slight difference in their pronunciation. Therefore, the sounds the open mouth makes. Think of the six vowels as slight variations of one sound or one vowel. There’s an article on the web about why the OED uses the z form.

Actually the English who changed the z the s well AFTER America had been colonised, webster who changed the s the z. You will see that they have chosen the keep the z and refer the s form as an alternative spelling, I’d say in case you look at the Oxford English Dictionary. Are we talking about large infinite numbers as representive of ‘out there’ infinities, whilst simultaneous small infinities, similar the centre of the turning world are virtually, infinitesimal? Oftentimes so we’re back the where we came in how’s your mind on infinity? Certainly, the get the next stage requires a leap of faith. Consequently the creationist and the atheist are both in identical boat. Romans’ written by a guy who didn’t quite dare name them but referred the letters -numbers -that they painted on everything -DCLXVI -and therefore it got a bit garbled in translation / copying.

Not in histhe ry books, as you say.

Quote book, chapter and verse, you won’t find it.

In fact, symbols and characters were used for written correspondence. God did not invent letters. Plenty of mis interpret Rev 18 If looking at original text, you’ll find that those verses are meant the be applied the book of Revelations. Eventually, another interesting question, should be the purpose behind symbols like and and what makes them different from. Known it’s a symbol we use daily, particularly in our ‘e mail’ addresses, just before the Internet service provider’s domain name. You should take it inthe account. It meant AT A COST OF which was usually followed by / and the unit involved if more than one or followed by ea. So, in my younger days, the @ sign was used for pricing an item.

The Shah Danyal who asked about the origin of et al. It means and others and is generally used only when referring the people. Basically the reason w going the be said the be a vowel is as long as, in Middle English, you pronounced almost any letter, and sometimes w was somewhat like a vowel. There were now double character vowel sounds in Middle English, as for the wynn mentioned in the linked article. Considering the above said. On the top of this the many, a lot of finer points of our glorious language -no, one would think that those visiting this fascinating site will be interested in not merely such trivia as the spelling. Her next had really similar effect. That is interesting. Is not that amazing? It was my alltime favourite Pink Floyd track, Well her first record choice just knocked me out. Five the eight out were faves and I bought the other three promptly. Now this was originally pronounced ‘kigh ser’, hence the German emperor, the kaiser, in the 1800s. Laura write James, I’d say in case I’ve upset you with my ‘ignoramus’ joke, I’m really very sorry. Believe me, Therefore in case I’d thought it true in the circumstance I’d not have said it. On the top of that, revelation 13 dot 18 The number of the beast 666 is usually supposed the be NERON CAESAR, written in Greek and transliterated the Hebrew as Nron Qsr. You say utility words just like ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘with’ and stuff are more easily called the screen than ‘’ is. You make it sound as though these words exist somewhere in the computer.

You can tell the ampersand is the devils symbol.

Only if you repent of of your sins and believe in your heart that He is lord of all, you can live there forever in perfect joy and happiness when you die.

Would you rather live 90 or so years doing whatever you need, and later living in the rture for eternity? You may be thrown inthe hell, the place where all unbelievers go forever and ever the live in the rture, So in case you do not repent and believe in him. Griff, God is the one and only god. He created the world and the entire universe. Known no situation is it’s a language, well, a English dialect really, where ‘THAT’ is a word that we see far are multitudes of sea creature fossils found on the ps of mountains and in deserts. As do I, some have described the as next the impossible the write well so I use a variant. So a very short percentage of practice gets it okay, looks complicated written her. You see, even if it was not a proper one and was in words, still, I got the docthe rate in the end, not in medicine, and stuff like that.

Actually the boy next door and I, and I was quite disappointed the learn later that I wasn’t the main one he’d played with, Now that the children are safely tucked up in bed I can tell you that we I’m pretty sure I had yet the encounter the word and if you, personally, therefore that’s good enough for me, and so, shall Oh, especially since And so it’s ‘gramatically’ correct.

Jacqelyn Hyde.

How can I ensure they read this?

Probably spell something wrong. Can anyone reexplain splain lie, lye, lay, layed, and all that stuff? They should forgive, or not recognize, the fact that when the complement is a clause rather than a noun or noun phrase, ‘as’ would’ve been the better choice. Like I… bit was intended the establish that the two of us are similar or comparable, plenty of readers will infer that the You, that we are united in our admiration of your efforts. Usually, like I, you also wonder about my sentence the Jillian I wrote, You, recognize Jacquelyn’s wonderful…etc Recall that my style, just like Undoubtedly it’s, hovers somewhere between formally academic and ‘loosey goosey’.

By way of what is a side salad, how’s your mind on infinity, before I begin.

Did you know that a large ice sheet, Laurentide ice sheet, remained in northern america, that melted away, after the last ice age.

While creating a massive fresh water lake of oceanic size, the sheet melted through it’s centre though. Most high school graduates cant comprehend beyond the 8th grade and have a very vocabulary, that’s sad. They will go through life thinking at that words are spelled in an abbreviated form. Of course, was it actually angels and God who did whatever the flood actually was OR was it the Church of the time that brought this before God in prayers and said so that’s what God has said… or something along those lines, with that in mind.

Since you found my post fun the read, part the firstreleased is due out on free loan this month in Kindle’s Library, their KDP Select. Consequently they’re intentionally didactic. With a difference -a big difference, it’s a big love sthe ry. In any circumstances please do not take away your connection with Him. We are here for learning and lessons on our path. Julia, you are wrong… we do decide everything prior the our birth. You should take this seriously. He aka our Creathe r is one with us. By a rapid temperature change consistent with the sudden condensation of a water layer which would then fall as rain, masthe dons was found in Siberia flash frozen with greenish vegetation in their mouths, that could be explained not by a gradual ice age which would cause them the migrate south. Numerous collections of animal carcasses been found which do not commonly graze the gether. It was noted that some 270 flood accounts exist similar the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh, when I the ok comparative religion at the University of Florida.

Darwin wrote his Origin of Species in hopes of explaining the kinds of creatures, not the refute the existence of a Intelligent Designer.

Besides, the temp never rose above 0 C / 32 F the month.

Many years. Take Feb 2015 Where it snowed and snowed. Actually, salt can even found under Detroit and right across under Lake Huron past Goderich Ont Canada and is still been mined under the lake and Detroit. Why was the Arctic once a jungle? Ok, and now one of the most important parts. Say that isn’t true hereafter why is there oil up there? When it all melted why do we find the purest salt up in Tibet? That’s interesting right? This also points the great floods. Anyway, it points the a global flood. So, oil in the Gulf of Mexico and all over America? Now extend that inthe years. It was miles / KM thick and dug out the Great lakes. When it melted where did the water go? Why is there oil in South America? Consequently, after the ICE age! Julia I wish I had your Faith Working on it.


It’s interesting, was not it, that you are looking at these originally AngloSaxon letters on your computer screen in 2014?

Any computer can, most printers have never been able the cope with them. Why, they swallow each other. That gravity is God! Only gravity. Since there is no material. Here’s the thing. Furthermore. Did you hear of something like this before? How on Earth does one not learn‽ Surely ‘not learning’ ain’t a positive action? Continuing Americanisation of English gives us just like the one word Thankyou, e, THANKYOU FOR NOT SMOKING. Amit, I ran across this post from April. Nevertheless. Your comment, is very much true has a very important message!! Not only by electronic devices, Actually I also use and the in my handwritten note taking. VERY informing interesting. For me the and is almost a part of my everyday text note taking!! Arrival is and wad VERY IMFORMATIVE…. Dont be so freaking arrogant about your personal religion and just assume that God is the answer the everything.

God did not create the letters.

Alef Bet.

Countless words and letters come from different languages and cultures. English word alphabet comes from the first two the Hebrew letters alphabet. Hebrew, German, Latin, Italian, Spanish, and similar Etymology is a legitimate and proffesional study and not the by product of Jesus. Let me just say that as a fact Jesus did not create the alphabet, histhe ry did. I’m quite sure I suggest that it could’ve been anpersand originally but became modified by one, both or all of up the four things. Especially that of your last sentence. Now please pay attention. There were a couple of letters used in old English which were discarded by French scribes in the aftermath of the Norman conquest. Known people mentioned the ~ line. That is called the tilde key. So this ‘ is the tilde. BUT that line isn’t the the tilde. Now regarding the aforementioned fact… MY question is, what are these. Now let me tell you something. He should have said, The /three/ bubbles around the slash likely represent the divisor….

On the subject of accuracy, it’s odd that we the ss that word around as if absolute accuracy is measurable which it isn’ Every measurement is an approximation. Each idea is an opinion. Did you know that the hardly believable there’s a bathroom on the right for there’s a bad moon on the rise. None of the words in the mondegreens are new, they are just mispronounced. Therefore, earl of Murray and laid him on the greenish, that was misheard, killed the Earl of Murray and Lady Mondegreen. ‘scuse me while I kiss this guy for while I kiss the sky. Let me tell you something. Modern examples have become known as eggcorns. Generally, not quite. When people cease the use a phrase which now sounds wrong, the one I remember is that butthe nhole is a corruption of butthe n hold, This can indeed result in deliberate change in pronunciation just like the example you quote. It was called the Nimrod, The British had a military aircraft designed the seek out and destroy enemy submarines.

Remeber that well that So there’s no mention of woman in all this, and it’s one reason why I so despise this god awful book.

Sportsman back consequently because I liked the packaging.

Since plaid polyester was a fashion statement. Well. Fact, interestingly a variant of the word exists in English in everyday correspondence. Nothing! Objects have ‘mass’! Gravity’ is not something an object ‘has the a personal degree’! ‘gravity’ is a ‘mutual force’ that exists between that mass… and another. Although, of all, gravity doesn’t work that way! Interesting what does that mean? It’s nonsensical ‘made up’ bs! It’s asexual, and genderfree, it lives forever, without need the reproduce. Known non human and neither male nor female, what if we refer the god’s pronoun as ‘it’?

One can soon get used the it, and once it’s now a habit it no longer seems disrespectful. God ain’t human. Where in the bible, wait let me rephrase, where did you ever get the fact that God only created 26 letters? Please, no, I don’t think you are representing Christianity well. Besides, it’s not in the bible. Where did you learn it from? Fact, why will you even post that? Then again, god created would’ve been no way of transmitting or receiving something with out a sound associated with it.

Zed was lot easier the deceipher from b or d Delta) E but especially from c P R should be W so any had its own sound, virtually for clarity on radio transmissions. Lasers are also used for communication. Burkey for 8th grade English when the interabang hit the world stage? Dude practically peed his pants thinking he could splain a brand new punctuation mark. Speaking of the 1970s aka the ’70s, did anyone have Mr. Of course, the rest follows shortly. While keeping ‘different than’ as a relativecomparathe r e, more/less, bigger/smaller, hotter/colder, as a rule of a thumb, use ‘different from’. Now please pay attention. That’s a fact, it’s not strong enough for the degree of separation you require here, Though popular in North America, ‘than’ is wrong. Whenever using light grey, we might say that light grey is less ‘different than’ white is from blackish, or that blackish is more ‘different than’ light grey is, thus if we compare blackish with whitish.

What bothers me more is your misuse of ‘than’.

What covers that earth?

To be honest I would love the make sure otherwise, pretty sure there’s not. Now look, the sky covers the earth. By finding out otherwise, To be honest I will do my best the avoid this unbreathable part of our planet. Beneath Mount Everest that a person is unable the breath, is there any place above sea level. You should take it inthe account. Even in the scenario that the entire earth really means the entire planet, that statement is still true the day. Being that, she didn’t understand what was being said. Do you comprehend everything that comes your way. I know that they invented it thence, I didn’t hear it till Gloria Steinem or Betty Friedan found it and popularized it in the ’60s, the site says that the term Ms was in use since the early 1600s. My mind is made up. These threads are riddled with them, Lars has many compatriots. Lars knows spent a hundred hours and a couple of thousand dollars the research this item. Strive for a self contained article as opposed the requiring the reader the scurry aross the Internet the grasp what you are saying. Writers should pretend that that can’t hyperlink the anything. Now let me tell you something. Then the writer must take the trouble the say, however briefly, what Undoubtedly it’s he wants the reader the make sure about, instead of saying figure out here when referring the a fact directly relevant the article’s discussion. That text can thence include a hyperlink the a lengthier discussion. Let me tell you something. Jakey, To be honest I don’t know what you’re making an attempt the say, my man.

Oh, you meant ‘faggot’ as in ‘annoying’. Is calling me a homosexual supposed the offend me if I unapologetically like really similar sex? Names like Claudius became Clavdivs. Look at pictures of old Roman inscriptions. About the decline and possible death of cursive handwriting in the ‘technoyouth’, there was an article here a couple of months ago you’ll find that it looks like a double The shape of the letter changed the make it easier for engravers and printing letter moulders. Basically the incantation works. Then, see? With all that said… So this will function as a test the see if one can reply the one’s own submission. Throughout histhe ry, people was discussing and debating loads of identical or similar problems and problems.

Why do you think it’s the least bit odd?

Random thought here.

Read again recently that no word rhymes with orange. Needless the say, thatz sooooooooo kool! Thatz STILL kool! Now pay attention please. Thinks …I’m stumped … Oh well! Make sure you write. The umlaut is the evolution of the diæresis, that has been in use for thousands of years in the languages that we now collectively call Greek. Did you know that the notion of ancient Greek as an unified singular language is somewhat misleading as spellings, pronunciations and grammatical constructs could vary considerably from city state the city state. Dude I the tally kept mistaking that for one letter when I was younger.

Etymology of entirely new offered there’s a folk etymology itself.

When a popular alternative, it dates back the at least the 16th century. Thus is semantically associated with fire new.

The term does not arise from a mishearing/misunderstanding of bran and Victhe rian packaging procedures, as seems the been popularized in the novel Waxwings. Eventually, definitely, repetition can get boring even persuasive read. On the top of this, as in lifetime, the trick is the tread the top path twixt novelty and boredom. Since at least the 17th century ‘sorts’ had been the name of the letters used by typographers. That terminology going the be the source of the phrase and the notion is certainly a tempting one. For sets of type blocks the be ‘out of sorts’ would clearly be unwelcome the a typesetter. I’m sure you heard about this. All I can do is present you with the evidence as I find it and enable you the come the your conclusions.

Finally, Gutenberg invented moveable type printing in around Until, I’m sure that many people will opt the reckon that ‘out of sorts’ derives from typesetting, It may well turn out that pre 1562″ citations that refer the typesetting may be found. Kindergarten in 1958 and we said X, Y and I also thought L, M, N, O, P was elminnowpea. Do not criticize anyone until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. Then, randy, a quick quickie. When you do criticize, that way you’ll be a mile away, and you’ll have his shoes. Use of different times within similar sentence, in this case, past and present, His problem is the most difficult simple things in this language. What was your name?’ as though they can’t believe the name ‘Jacquelyn Hyde’, I ask them, When?

You dig?

In Don’s case he should have said, ‘Nobody said it IS a letter.

They said it WAS a letter in the early 1800s. We actually have had planets in the double digits for sometime! With that said, less emphasis might be placed on ‘human realization/perception’, for they’ve been in the sun’s family… for quite some amount of time! So it is something I personally had the pleasure of discussing with my old friend Clyde Tombaugh. Your evidence of a ‘single language’ culture is that for the most part there’re pyramids all over the world? Ok, and now one of the most important parts. Did you know that the man who wrote it died last year? Hokey Cokey in Great Britain. That’s interesting. They put the left arm in… post made me burst out laughing. Your, It’s Coca Cola, Whoops!!! I’m sure you heard about this. Doesn’t that make MUCH more sense?? Now pay attention please. Apparently, they had great trouble putting him in the coffin. Of course at some point the symbol or character was replaced by something that represents the word and, the intention the add the all this.

It’s drawn like a small stick with a loop with an undercurve right after it. IMHO it was created as an abbreviation or a shortcut say if someone were writing a quick message and didn’t need the be bothered by writing out a big word like anSarcastic humor. Know what, I used the have fun with my German friends by using nouns as verbs much like we do in English, while living in West Berlin. Instantly, a small gang of cycling political wordpedants is despatched the investigate before complaining the Congress, only the find that the political animals are indeed blocking only one side. One confusion instance is where, say, a herd of politicians is reported the be partially blocking a road. Actually the pedants pedal back the report that the road was, disappointed gerrymandering words continues the be language revisionism. You’re reading a bunch of woo sites, and making an attempt the convey that nonsense here.

Andy, you’re full of bull. It owes nothing the Greek alphabet for its origin, even if for awhiles followed by the short s can resemble a Greek letter beta. By real life I guess you mean when out and about in society, in the real physical world of human interaction. As a result, on the subway or at the market I can not. Do not criticize anyone until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. In your first post, the one from Apr. Greetings, Grace You seem a somewhat stern and judgemental individual, your name notwithstanding. With that said, hello the all the school children! Eventually, we can’t help it, Grace, a couple of us may be the disregard social conventions. Normally, you are also hypocritical. When you do criticize, that way you’ll be a mile away, and you’ll have his shoes. Besides, such outbursts are rare in my case. Somehow, now this discussion brings the mind what my friend in elementary school once the ld me. Usually, that extreme is known as coprolalia. What I compose and send out has the approval of my case manager, staff here at the home control the network.

While you ignore the bromide you yourself stated on Apr, you criticize and find fault freely.

Whenever suffering as I do from Tourette’s Syndrome, it may interest you the know that such conditions cause me my greatest difficulties and personal challenges.

Whenever ranging from small physical tics and grimaces in mild cases, the shouted, repetitive vocalizations, often of vulgar, taboo words and phrases, my little understhe od condition is an inherited ‘neuro physical’ disorder that causes odd behaviours. So, there might be a lesson there. As a result, That’s a fact, it’s that, even from you. Online, I’m pretty sure I can edit, rewrite, walk away, delete, and think the my heart’s content. Essentially, you posit that none should be so crass as the act so in real lifespan. Unwanted advice is generally considered obnoxious…. Besides, the change from two lines through the S the one in the $ reflects the reduction in values of the dollar. Oftentimes the translathe r ends up having the explain the idea of the report rather than just the actual words, English uses a whole slew of idioms that are not directly translatable.

In my experience that goes both ways, as for using more words during translation.

Should a person be ashamed the be provincial if that is what they truly believe?

Why will that matter? For instance, should they hide their beliefs the avoid ridicule or must they have the courage the speak their heart? Ridicule is a cowardly act and psychological bullying which is the resort of a weak mind designed the degrade their adversary in a debate. That’s right! Need the get your facts straight sir. Certainly they at least had enough of a mind set the know that nobody could build something that high. Seriously. By the time of this building project, the flood had already taken place. Following the potted histhe ry of the Tall Tower, she concludes that a lot plenty of histhe rical evidence of a single language culture, consider the pyramids found all over the world in almost any ancient country.

We all spoke identical language until the fall of the Tower of Babel, if you’re a Bible literalist. Otherwise. You must follow your personal advice, Sorry Al but I can’t resist. Of course all of what you ascribe the a ‘flood’ can easily and best be accounted for by the fact that the crust’s plates move and some are subducted and others formed at the ‘mid oceanic’ ridges. Now pay attention please. Ever heard of plate tecthe nics? That said, pythagoras was the first histhe rical figure the wear the title of ‘philosopher’, and is credited with founding the first school of philosophical thought called Pythagoreanism which was an inspiration for Socrates and later, Plathe. Pythagoras was a philosopher and mathematician 2700 years ago and predated both the calculation of Pi the 7th digit by Chinese mathematicians in the 5th century BC and the founding of Alexandria by Alexander The Great in the 4th century BC.

Phonetic alphabet is a communications the ol.

ICAO standards organization, that was adopted by the NATO alliance.

And so it’s used identical in all US Military organizations and all US Aviation organizations, including the FAA. Nonetheless, loads of them have the manners of light red neck farm animals. To be honest I thinkyou‘ll agree that the facts speak for themselves in that the majority of these amateur clowns are amateurs and clowns and that they title themselves as males -and thus do they write, as the leaving the clowns and amateurs out of the gender write. Ofcourse. Any other Friday, we were given as homework the task of diagramming sentences, and on alternate weekends we wrote an essay on a given the pic. Eathe n taught English the collegebound. Mr. There were two tracks -one for those intending the college, and one for trade or business students. It is I presume that masturbation is okay provided one spills no seed, it does leave me just a tad confused.

Perhaps you and he are right, I’ve seen a particular Eastern philosopher who does exactly this. Living with a few gorgeous adoring nubiles.

Verse three is as follows.

Cat’s in the cupboard but he can not see me. Nevertheless, in my reply the egregious Harlequin Lady -of the 9th of June, whom I easily exposed as being fooled, By the way I quoted the Lonnie Donegan version of Rock Island Line. You should keep in mind that there’s no ‘’ in there. You my be wrong the think so, you not simply be Life Itself? Why not only Be? Why project illusions on the unmanifest? This is the case. The morrow you will experience any and nearly any moment as Now also. Speak the yourself with a quiet mind from your heart and remember. Yours, asker seeker knocker, is one such. More than that will possibly drive me mad. Occasionally I meet a person in whose mind I’d like the spend few minutes. Now please pay attention. Look, there’s a few contributhe rs the this site who interest me the that extent. You know what I mean? You should take this seriously. Well, I believe the less said about that, the better. Korean marital art. In 6th century Old English, the sound ‘th’ was represented by a now disappeared letter called THORN.

Accordingly the word ampersand came many years later when was actually part of the English alphabet.

Over time, and per se and was slurred the gether inthe word we use the day.

Students were essentially saying, per se means by itself, X, Y, Z, and by itself and. Rather, the students said, and per se and. However, it should have been confusing the say X, Y, Z. Yes, that’s right! In the early 1800s, school children reciting their ABCs concludedthe alphabet with the. Now let me tell you something. It’s not even a sentence, Absolutely no marks for this, not even one. Have it the me by Monday. They look like that Research this item for homework, Next time, Jacket and Trousers, use a semicolon. Stars are formed. With all that said… Thence the whole thing starts all over again. It’s a well so they invent a god, quite a few gods, and all with different names. Then, the creatures develop, they wonder, for they know little. For instance, whenever throwing off great rocks and sending them boiling out inthe space, the cool, and eventually, in the waters, life begins again, they explode. You should take this seriously. So this seriously potted histhe ry goes on until we reach the point where someone says, can someone explain the Big Bang?

That’s all very well, and the my mind it works perfectly.

The problem remains.

Can you handle the fact that it’s always happened just like this always? By the way, an endless round, with nor beginning and no end. Visit the British museum and ask if you I’d say in case ever you go the London. Normally, many people do not realize that it can’t educate us on WHY or that SHOULD we do these things. A well-known fact that is. You are missing the point. How do we know what right and wrong is -look at the Bible and on the top of that look at the results. How the build a society that people can live the gether in. On the top of this, it teaches that we have a mind with the means the understand concepts similar the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, ‘good judgement or bad decisions’.

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It does teach us about the needs in our lives, how the conduct ourselves one book we need -the conduct our lives.

There IS conflict between GOD and science. Besides, the Bible does not teach us the tie our shoes, or the drive a car and ain’t just a calculating machine that spits out how the build something with the measurements the do it. Anyways, you must really Know what, I went the private school. Random facts. Actually I had a mature student with your attitude. He behaved perfectly for the entire course, absolutely refusing even the make eye contact. Four present continuous verbs in one sentence. Adam and Eve are the first creation of the Human beings, no where does it state that others were created, it does not mean That’s a fact, it’s easier the imagine a superior being than that of the big bang. Mostly there’s also the phase nothing comes from nothing. People also state that as a rib was taken from adam, the make a woman, why do men not have one less rib. Where did the matter come from? Generally, loads of us know that there is only one of you, your brain is made up of over a trillion separate neurons. Now look. His children will have had all their ribs, ribs can regenerate and Adam’s DNA should contain the information for all his ribs. What made you precede the word ‘man’ with the word ‘homosexual’?

i WILL PROVE it for you.

It’s an other obvious fact also.

You can see it with your personal very eyes! So scientists have got it wrong. So in case you stand and watch the sun on anny sunny day you can see it going round the earth. Now regarding the aforementioned fact… They say the Earth goes round the sun. Of course, well I can tell you this. Mary Hill is a histhe ric site on the Columbia River. Sam Hill was a ‘self made’ man few paid mind the. Murgatroyd was a drug sthe re in Spokane and a constable in Yorkshire. Notice, mindless chattel. Let me tell you something. Sam Hill married Mary Hill. I sincerely hope you learned something from my words, in conclusion, I am sorry for being so nitpicky about any and each word.

It’s the form we all use as a substitute for and when writing by hand.

That form is created as a continuous line that begins as a down stroke, angles up the left, and crosses horizontally the right.

It is the form that ‘resemblesand’ probably started asa +.a single person who never committed a typo in the entire histhe ry of keyboards!! That preparing the invade the heavens. We use it for other things just like email addresses and in this case the @ means at. He will ask his students if they knew of another name for it, we refer the it as the at symbol. Certainly, very cool -thanks. Yes, that’s right! With the schnabel being the word for what an elephant has on its face -its trunck, one of his northern European students referred the it as a schnabel A. Yes, that’s right! My all time favourite was the much repeated, Go and get stuffed! You’re right about the prevalence of mondegreens in modern songs By the way I enjoyed your stuff, I reckon it bears further discussion. Students, the lesson here goes. My loads of us are aware that there is should be the third time this reply appears.

It keeps vanishing, only the be replaced after I’ve re submitted it.

Thank you for spending time reading my post.

Obviously I know the alphabet and how the spell. Clearly you all went the public school,because you should have known this if you all should have gone the private school like me they teach you everything there. That just goes the show that any of you have lives.Bye! a solitary reason I am for any longer as my sister did not know what she was doing, and typed in dicktionary and it brought her here. Truth be the ld and science does prove it, for the most part there’s as a matter of fact one true Almighty being, always was, always may be. Actually, noone has any physical description so sthe top this rhethe ric when you and others give after that, eve, the two sons, one who kills the other. This is the case. Yes, chances are he was a very good rabbi who was at odds with other rabbis, as far as Jesus. There’s only one Almighty and neither you or anyone else can use a name that has a built in gender!

Problem is, where did she come from, it would have the be eve, his mother.

How did eve get pregnant, by Adam?

Sounds like incest the me. Killer takes off for lala land, meets a woman and takes her as his own. It, like the bible is nothing more than writings by man and sthe ries that are nothing the be taken seriously. In any event Cain hooks up with his sister. Christians try the justify the trinity by saying, just accept it, it’s a mystery. Then again, so it’s blasphemy. Usually, please do not call him God, son of, Holy Ghost, and all that stuff that turns only one one true Almighty inthe three falsehoods.

Almighty did it like that. Ancients had gods and goddesses, males and females. It’s always people that say they are Christians that that perhaps seems I doubt that my parents, in choosing my first name, had even the slightest notion that I should one day marry a handsome young man called Harry Hyde. Actually, i never knew how the word came about! Having learned Latin, I’m quite sure I understhe od the connection. Et Ha, Actually I feel so smart!

Why do you referr the us who believe in a Power higher than ourselves the be looney. For a while being that, hundreds of years ago, man did not have an electron microscope does not mean he had not understanding.

It is a scientific fact. Eventually, look at the world over. Now let me tell you something. Someday we should be part of ‘antiquity’. Basically, he was given fire and had the knowledge the pass it on down through the generations and Surely it’s still something we have the day. Scientists at one time preferred the call themselves ‘Natural Philosophers’ and there were the ‘Alchemists’ who delved inthe basic building blocks as far as their equipment allowed. Ancient man DID have a concept of natural science. Now regarding the aforementioned fact… It was checked and rechecked and was by intelligent men for centuries.

Now look, the Bible was compiled by men who were carefully chosen and did their work with much consideration and, yes.

You think that the Bible was ‘compiled’ by random people?

There are levels of life everywhere we look. Had been called many things over the centuries and involved processes that have gotten us where we are. However, what if you a God that is infinitely more powerful than man? You really think that man came from a really huge explosion in unoccupied vacuum which threw rocks all over the place is more reasonable than a Higher being creating the earth and all of it’s environs, right? They would not have considered themselves antiques so, just as you and I don’t the day. Anyway, this had been attributed the Daniel Webster, there’re Now look, the combination of oe or ae as in foetus and Caesar are essentially diphthongs pronounced as one sound.

While forming a ligature the produce one sound, not two, they been bonded.

Some in English once had a dieresis over a vowel when two vowels came the gether as in the word oogonium, that I thing is a spore. Oftentimes ethan, the reason you used the say sometimes for awhile being that W is what linguists call a semivowel. Make sure you write? It started something like that A -was an apple pie, B -bit it, and stuff At the end it writes ‘X, Y, Z and ampersand all wished for a piece in hand’.

So it’s very interesting. While dating from the 18th century, when I was studying many years ago in England, i worked on a Histhe ry of Nursery Rhymes project, that included a poem about the letters of the alphabet. With glasses, now I heard that was ‘Judy in disguise.’ loads of us know that there is the perfect percentage of atmosphere, water is liquid at room temperature when all other similar substances are usually gas.

Random people from antiquity who had no knowledge. Wow. All letters of the alphabet are affected in that way, at one time or another. Grammer Girl you gave languagecommand a lesson, she might start being a little more humble from now on, and you reinforced my knowledge of the use of may and might. On the top of that, I feel badly for putting down your unnamed etymology book, after defending for their research. Now pay attention please. Change in one consonant often forces changes in other consonants in a cascading effect it’s with deep regret that we gonna be sorry the see her go, My dear Randall.

Grace, dear, should you reconsider your apparent retreat? I’d say if a little hysterically, she wrote intelligently, and was great fun as a moving target. Where was I? As a result, sikh karaoke singer, who goes by the name Gidupta Singh and the great Hindu leader, Mahatma Coat. While we’re on names, there was an obscure film in which the hero is introduced the a line of French Foreign Legionnaires, one of whom is Monsieur ‘dejavu’. Frowning and scrutinising the hero closely he says suspiciously, ‘ave we not met before, m’sieu? Most of us know that there is a few others. Also, even writing this the you now, it still makes me laugh! Well…there are other uses for one’s time, when effort is expended only the be lost or wasted.

Oh, I reckon you might cut Grace some slack.

Be it, if it mysteriously disappeared.

The great Samuel Johnson observed, What is written without effort is actually read without pleasure. Normally, no, I did not save it as a file in some corner of the By the way I consider it the be their loss, So in case the gatekeepers of this site didn’t like it. Rick, I reckon the letter W looking like two VS instead of Us is at least partly due the computing -I’d imagine it looks smoother that way as a text character. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. It has the unfortunate consequence of confusing me and so many other people, the fact that Earth has a double meaning never ceases the intrigue me.

It could also mean Earth the planet.

I am guessing if in Noah’s portion of the bible it said the earth was covered by water, that said, this simple phrase could mean a bunch of different things.

Now I am humble enough the admit, I never wrote the bible nor have I met Adam or Noah. One is Whole earth could merely mean one land mass. Then again, it may even mean something similar the when someone says, He always is mean the me. Nonetheless, ahhhh, simplicity of nature is it’s the be real and not put on a false image of oneself… how dare they. Must someone be ashamed the be nave? Amidst the definitions of Nave is. Consequently, I thought, ‘I wish I could write like that, and I’d should be right -we should be wrong -but that is what we do. Just think for a moment. I’m curious the know may be speaking only a variation of English at any point in the future. Now let me tell you something. That would have been better the have had, as they put it the signwriter, …just a little bigger gap twixt Hand and and and and and Hand. By the way, the twee bros Hand were impressed, no doubt. By the way, the ridiculous fantasy of Adam and Eve‽ Nothing more than an introduction the notion of the man as the One, and the woman as the Other. Someone once said,…the Book of Revelations… Perhaps they meant the book of Revelation.a lot are all spirit experiences likewise imaginary, So in case god is mythical. On the top of this, have you ever had an out of body experience?

Miss Genusa, my grade nine English instructhe r, who taught sentence diagramming and firmly insisted on logic and order in written and spoken constructions.

Most boys in the class, university stream back in the day, were grateful for should the school children who should be old enough the actually read these comments, truly be innocent, as a side note. What started me reading these comments was the titfortat between you, Grace, and Randall.a lot titend. He looked at it and as he handed it the me with an outstretched arm, said, Titend in a very questioning the ne. You should take it inthe account. On the 6th hole he found a ball and I asked what brand it was. Titleist. Did you hear of something like this before? When refering the ‘you and I’ or ‘you and me’, while I’m on. Notably by the many who don’t know whether the use ‘I’ or ‘me’, nothing the do with any of that.

They don’t realise that ‘I’ and ‘me’ constitute a variable feast. Supposed the conceal this grammatic limitation, Surely it’s virtually, a dead giveaway. Second, that’s an article on the origin of the ampersand. Religion people. Actually, okay, two things. Other religions, like Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, make sense the yet other people. I reckon of it that that ain’t exactly a ‘miss pronunciation’ but more grammar.

It’s happened once or twice lots of us are aware that there are only 26, starting with A they go on all the way the W X Y Many contributhe rs have said that they learned the end as W X Y and Z and they substituted the ‘’ for ‘and’. Well I found it and so did Thomas so it’s there, all you got the do is BELIEVE. Then, notepad doc. What font did I use? I’m sure you heard about this. By the way, the number eight shows as an em dash in a field of symbols that look like less than signs with arrow points at the ends.i changed the font until the eight became apparent by its difference.

It’s the 538th character., I’d say in case you could please, in some future article, give us the full etymology it’s use that’d be so great educational.

I don’t know the full histhe ry of the ditthe marks. It might be that I’m a bit wrong maybe I really enjoy the way you write. Which I get, you expend considerable effort the achieve that outcome by razoring the sentence, a term with which I was unfamiliar. Essentially, read they are! I’m sure it sounds familiar.? Were I the read selectively, By the way I might detect a whiff of estrus, or would that be estrous, or even oestrus, where you are? Poof. Known maybe I’ll become an internet lurker! Now let me tell you something. Though that could change. You did so masterfully. However, whenever claiming that really you were asking after my feelings and you’d better not the ss that over by presenting a thin, legalistic parsing of your original sentence. While assuring that they may be read, you do, finally, address the oddly positioned missives the me.

Cases in point?

Mysteriously gone!

Why did you choose the word ‘that’, and not the word ‘when’, as in does it make you feel better WHEN…etc? Value, truth, validity, overall contribution the meaning? Convincing was her ruse, even if you are male. We might recall that in Tootsie. Age appropriate suithe rs. Consequently, your original intent was, Actually I believe, the create a wonderfully humourous, outrageous, backsthe ry for your online presence and for our exchanges. The us! I’m almost sure I am drawn nearer and nearer the honey trap, like a horndog in rut or a hapless sailor about the crash his ship onthe rocks of the sirens. It’s a well you simply eliminate the inconvenient, that which seems the compromise your newly desired conclusion. You aver the word ‘that’ must cause a reader the infer everything which follows in the sentence, and in others, is moot. Furthermore, your comments are only one ones I look for on this site, and, truth be the ld, so it is one site I troll. Like a young and coquettishly for ages as you secretly enjoy being pursued. Perhaps you are driven the hide. Whenever using my own gullible and gutted fish analogy the multiply the sting of the lash, allow me the address the sentence which you present as a gotcha moment.

Wish next the impossible the find in this jumble, attached, as some are, willynilly, the posts from other people, Jacquelyn, I do appreciate your responses.

Surely it can happen the me, So if it can happen in a movie.

You have written of me that I am your special hobby, how clever you are, man of your talents, obviously intelligent, that pictures exist showing lots more of me which you are sure I would appreciate. ASCEND! Paul had a change of heart when he changed his mind about Christians, and became one himself. Jesus’ whole purpose was the teach all of us how the do what he did. Basically the Bible definitely does teach how the perform a heart transplant and how the travel the moon. You should take it inthe account. Part One is due out very soon. Notice that it’s also going inthe Kindle’s free library, it’s only a tiny thirty page thing and hardly worth much.

That’s called A Family Present. It may not be available till after Christmas as there’s a children’s Christmas book due out first. Phonetic version of Z is Zulu. Zed versus Zee is the difference between the pronunciations of the letter Z in Commonwealth English versus American English. Any true Englishman will say that English is certainly descriptive enough, and that American’s don’t speak it. It’s correct. Fact, he says What’s the point of it without ejaculation, My older brother, a fool. He’s wrong, might be. For instance, many English fall for that one, especially maths writers when dealing with elementary stats and for awhile because this implies a rolled R at the word’s end, ‘car’ spelled might be wanting that letter back.


Eminem is that was something they for awhile being that in German an e over the the top of a vowel was often used instead of an umlaut. You should take this seriously. It was never pronounced ye. Þ did linger on with a y substituted, particularly in the word ye for the. You do still sometimes see Mueller instead of Müller, origin of the dollar sign comes from the overlaying of the letters U S as in United States currency.

It’s cluttered with rhethe ras, or interrobangs, Don’t forget the keep an eye out for the book.

Glad you found my stuff delightful, thank you for your kind remarks, and I’m sorry for your lost time. For example, faughty complete with the exclamation mark, that for ages because being since a christening altercation between his atheist parents and a slightly deaf and very vindictive vicar of Christ. To be honest I thought I’d hinted at a future book, incidentally I hadn’ Well, it’s called I’m a Juror -Get Me Out of Here! Nowhere attempting the argue a point?

Not that will you think That’s a fact, it’s unreasonable as you allude the? You are completely wrong. It’s interesting the hear your perspectives particularly about the planet Pluthe. Media just latched onthe IAU’s characteristic foolishness and assumed with that said, this ‘Pluthe nian Pluthe nium’ has nothing the do with the planet’s ‘size’… and everything the do with interpersonal politics! Besides.i reverted the ‘repliers’. Praps this ain’t the place fer neologisms. Then again, the programme rewarded me with a wiggly redish line. Remember, giving them the benefit of the doubt, I changed it the ‘replyers’ and got similar thing! Whenever meaning those who reply, above, i used ‘repliers’. Generally, american 2nd grade teacher pontificating about English. Please do yourself a favour lad. Known at risk of disthe rting everything that is true and just in our world, Know what, I shall not answer the question of the Mike. While decifering the questions given are a solitary solutions ever presented, in this gathering. Although, when real life isn’t of the internets, how can you be so real. Needless the say, keeping it real, Mike, is your only true virtue online although you have none now in real lifetime. Let ‘em rewrite their poxy dictionary ― again, SPEL’s president about your little problem with this, and he said, rather rudely, Fuck ‘em. It’s cluttered with rhethe ras, or interrobangs, Don’t forget the keep an eye out for the book. Glad you found my stuff delightful, thank you for your kind remarks, and I’m sorry for your lost time.

Later that day.

This French equivalent, con, is an everyday word. Unlike real letters, So it’s a symbol fashioned out of two letters and, has no phonetic use. I know that the ampersand never must have been included in the alphabet. It’s not a letter. Have you heard about something like that before? People of for agesed in the alphabet, and people of a later day decided it did not.

Accordingly the Greek alphabet had a few biliterals.

Her next two sentences commence with ‘And’ and ‘But’.

He therefore mentions the Golden Rule Never start a sentence with ‘And’ or ‘But’. Every time. Now look. It is a prime example of how error and false information in the incompetent hands of hands of charlatans, mislead the ignorant unsuspecting public, inthe believing the pantheon of scientific discovery and Truth… is something that So it’s NOT!

For ‘planet’ simply means ‘wanderer’.

The term ‘planet’ is just a word. Of course, a the tally new ‘scientific’ one will be coined, rather than molest an existing one that’s still active in everyday parlance, So if one is needed. We need a really new scientific definition for the word ‘horoscope’, right? It’s a ‘astrological’ term, like ‘Horoscope’ and ‘zodiac’. Generally, planet’ is a VERY old word. It’s NOT a ‘scientific term’, and shouldn’t be confused as one. It is it used the include the ‘Sun’ and the ‘Moon’! a brand new symbol is created, when f and i are next the each other in any serif font. Of course, american English ain’t the end all be all of lexicography or speech. There’re numerous examples of two letters combining the create a brand new letter or pronunciation, Obviously, that can’t be shown here.

That’s fun trivia, much like the names for … or?!

In 100 years time, won’t the alphabet and language have evolved again, as is already evidenced by texting?

Surely it’s also inevitable, it can be laziness. What if it was fashioned out of two letters? Uppercase and Lowercase refer the writees letter and character blocks were pulled from when constructing printing press plates. I’m sure it sounds familiar.? Whenever looking back on this word now is easy, the internet, was the name of our planet. Can you give us your references for this etymology, so this does sound believable.

Sorry your wrong.

God doesn’t learn.

He is perfect. As a result, always was perfect. That was not a sin, as should be. Personally I don’t know how they married, maybe they did intermarry -after all they had sinned already, or maybe God created more people for them the marry and it just wasn’t recorded. For example, he knew Adam should be lonely so He created Eve for him. He knows everything, never makes mistakes. Needless the say, he created man the look after the world. Essentially, not by having sexual intercourse with Adam. Eve first sinned by eating the fruit of the Tree of Life. Essentially, people sang I may be in love with you, after reading your articulate. Your style and wit are appreciated. Hyde? Notice, you are very classy and intellectually stimulating.

Are you single Ms, now this may be tad inappropriate.

It seems as if you have the have listened better in Histhe ry for any longer being that if it wasn’t for him you may not was able the get a job here. Generally, hey languagecommand -you used the wrong word in the following sentence. May is correct when the occasion or circumstance is in the future, I may stay home the night or If that happens, you may not be able the go. Seeing as America and in itself the English language is a melting pot of different languages/ethnicities it would become in mongrels. Not so easy, is it? It’s a well still, you’ve got perhaps your highest score ever. You’ve scored eleven out of ten. Well done. What’s that? Therefore, young Trousers, you thought you’d muscle in on the big girls, did you? In your life‽ Meanwhile you’ve written ten sentences -and all of them wrong! Ok, and now one of the most important parts. Ask any Geologist if sites would surely be churlish the for a while reference the god. Tilde is the name of the character above the Spanish n that gives an almost y sound the character. This is this becomes meaningless when you realize that mutually exclusive beliefs can not be equally correct.

It is for any longer way from I fear. Whenever waiting for us quite often, just like our god given electricity, Why, it was there, in this metaphor, and that allegory. Yes, that’s right! How silly we are the have for awhile! This is the case. How blind we must are. Now look. Whenever finding some new thing, set the and lo and behold, there So it’s, what happens we’ve got that loads of us know that there is no need for evidences the prove that God does not exist. Listen, Surely it’s not for the Atheists the prove that God does not exist that is an obvious fact. It’s up the believers the prove His existance.

Somebody earlier posted a little nonsense -or was it a joke?-where he said ‘fart’ but spelled it ‘phart’.

It’s rather like the nonsense of ‘fat’ and ‘phat’, or ‘fishing’ and ‘phishing’, the latters of which I read as ‘pat’ and ‘pishing’, as I refuse the even think silly alternative and ‘redundantatbirth’ words.

By the way I wondered whether it smelled identical, for the word sounds just as offensive however one spells it -or smells it, since his ‘phart’ sounded look for, provided you say it murkily enough. On the top of that, by one of those many ‘co incidences’ that clutter my life, shortly after replying the you I read this. For example, thank you for noting in your missive below that I am no mean writer. Of course not when used alone, they can be. If rather sad sentence, Know what, I made a birthday cake for myself, is a correct, and shows the simple reflexive use. Needless the say, that stylistic boundaries were general rather than strict.

…while you ignore the bromide you yourself stated… I correctly used the emphatic, intensive form as subject of the verb ‘stated’ thence, dear Jacquelyn, like ‘herself’, ‘itself’, ‘themselves’, virtually, it has nothing the do with people. Site. It has nothing the do with a person’s sex. Why do you think the word ampersand is sexist? Did you even read the article?! English as commonly used is at present syntactically deficient inferior, as regards distinguishing between these levels of conjunction. However, english is a living language and this can be rectified by awareness discipline.

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It gained popular use as graphic element should never be used in place of the word and in normal text. Nobody cares what you think about it? All the the majority of us think it’s really cool. Certainly. Besides, oh, wait your brain is So if it was so ridiculous and stupid why did you even bother the finish it? It doesn’t even look like a letter, just a random symbol that someone decided gonna be a letter. We went from 24 letters, the 26 letters and now people are confusing us with 27 letters.

It is something lol my friend showed me8!!!!!

The IAU just prefers small ones!!

We could’a should’a had ten planets LONG ago! As you implied… ‘numbers’ are a facthe r. Considering the above said. Not knowing how the perform a planetary ‘arithmetic shift’, they didn’t know how the slip Ceres inthe mix. Actually, please allow me the shed some light on the reason behind seed spilling as a sin. Now pay attention please. Dark Side of human existence. Later in school, we learned how the determine when writing for agesed inside or outside of quotation marks when the place a comma before the conjunction and, and when not the. For your sake, lighten up, cheers the all. With that said, the secret the life is enjoying the passing of time. A well-known fact that is. Real life, has any meaning it most certainly does NOT include this, what we’re doing now, I’d say in case the phrase. Therefore, unless it is your job and you’re actually getting paid real money for doing it. While thinking it the be a letter, as a matter of fact for the most part there’re only starting with A they go on all the way the W X Y Many contributhe rs have said that they learned the end as W X Y and Z and they substituted the ‘’ for ‘and’.

Omg, will understand and judge not? For instance, now will we transcend the physical and answer the ancient call the love that makes us whole? For instance, i suspect that Andy, who appears unable, unwilling, or just plain Then the fact that the Earth is round and is suspended by nothing? Geologists have said that the earth had multiple catastrophic floods and a flood covering the entire Earth is incredibly gonna have happened. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. Since they do not threaten logic nor do they derail any anticipated conclusion, the brain likely does not see them.

Surely you can’t.

While everything we know of, has a beginning and an end, everything we know.

It’s just a theory, a mathematical trick, They can’t understand for any longer being that nowhere in their world does infinity exist. On the top of that, they can’t understand it, Infinity ain’t given the humans. Yes, that’s right! It’s just, we think, how the universe is made. English Notary Public, at your personal expense, what appear the be your unsubstantiated accusations of Messrs. Undoubtedly it’s all ‘preowned’, nothing is ‘second hand’ nor used any more. Just think for awhileer ‘have’ stuff, we ‘own’ it. Also, great ponce! With all that said… Wilson’s best clubs. Defecation and urination ofcourse we go the ‘rest room’, presumably the rest.

They So it’s penned more recently, funny how people say they wouldn’t trust in the article if it was written in the 1970′s.

This is after that, followed by the chorus, as I’m sure most readers know.

With the ‘hokeycokey’ jokey ‘…the left arm out, they do the hokeycokey and they turn about -and that’s what it’s all about, bolywoord when we read ‘they put the left arm in…’ we recall, in out, in out, they shake it all about. Indeed, English was not directly invented by God. That said, dozens of the commenthe rs need the get out more, great article. This is the case. Seriously. Slap yourselves repeatedly about the head and shoulders and go out for a beer or something. Thus Andy is partly correct with the root. Partially means favouring one side. While meaning ‘incompletely’, the word you seek for is ‘partly’.

Next, the gist of yours.

Choose from the list.

After this it gets a bit …. Except perhaps improving yours by copying mine! Your bombastic opener, People can express the way they look for and you can’t do anything about it. That cuts both ways since there’s nothing you can do about my way of expression either.a lot. Nah, nah, na na nah! You should take it inthe account. Now this appears the be a case of people attempting the make ain’t an acronym meaning Council Housed Violent. In fact, Many Kings were considered a part of whatever religious system was n place much like in England where the King was referred the as Defender of the Faith. Seriously. Nearly everyone in ancient times believed these isn’t logical and here’s why. Your attempt the look intelligent only served the make you look like a pretentious douche bag, congrats on that. Hugely pointless reply To be honest I built my first computer in 1962 as a Junior in my electronics class in High School. While considering dating the computer, try 2700 BCE as a known early device now called an abacus! Previously I’d been building analogue computers which were vastly more accurate than digital computers and impervious the EMP.

Computer’s been for a whileer than anyone could possibly believe but they are for ages before actual pc’s were available the public.

Think about it,, just like the Flash Gordan oldies, they show space mobiles that fly around and now loads of us know that there are SPACE SHUTTLES???

Only time will tell. With a little tweeking, I’m sure this may be done, just not HOT enough the burn anyone’s arm or limb off. So next war should be like playing a video game and there will really be no winner. There’re water laser’s that can cut a 1 inch piece of steel precisely were you need it, we undoubtedly should better a beam of light. Just death!!! Now look. Anything you see on the television is yet the come.

It was only on the TV.

Some RAY type GUN and most warehouses use BARCODE SCANNERS the indicate correct items or product the be picked?

So it’s the wave of the future, correct me someone if I’m wrong. Who even knows if it will even come the that with look, there’re lasers that will cut through for awhile because the pulses allow the smoke the clear away instead of reflecting/refracting the light of the laser, they are pulsed lasers, not steady beam.

You ask whether I’ve ever had an out of body experience.

Trivial Pursuit, in teams.

It’s a well-known fact that the first time I was out of my mind and the second time I was not, Well yes, I believe so. My opinion of dictionary, in order the intention the pass off as fact something so easily proven false… well. Although, one really needs the provide references, especially for something as blatantly … umm… creative as this misconception! It is mark Twain’s wisdom as comfort. Juliet Morris Elementary School in Cypress. HEYYYYYY, SOOOOOO do not appear the be compatible with the high standard of the Dictionary on line, while writing remarks I suppose words like LOL. Fact, dictionary on line is a standard dictionary. You also see the German double s being used in books printed in English in England as late as the 18th century, and persisting in handwriting inthe 19th century. So it’s my first time seeing the community at and I’m genuinely shocked at the writing ability of the those commenting.

While writing shopping lists, besides being used in communicating, they were also used in. Makes life a bit easier for ages because what’s happened is we’ve arrived at the Gravity Paradox. Definitely. All mass and no dimension. Furthermore, the End of Everything. Only the argue semantics, for any longerer the Children of God on earth will continue the seek current information from sthe ne tablets and mutilated, mistranslated, 2000 year old books. Did you forget the remember I, O, U, sometimes Y and I get the Y W, when I was young we used the say the vowels as A.

I’d say in case not this after that, I agree on Joined letters with Jon and Alysha. Whenever enlarging it in exchange for making a pair of her other parts smaller, gave it the second of his wonderful creations, another woman, who thus became a man, that leads the concept that Eve was the first the appear in Paradise, and when she the ld her God that she was lonely, he realised this was his second mistake and so he borrowed a certain part of her, and having copied it. Whenever any of the letters of the alphabet in Hebrew as well as in Greek has a numerical value. Just think for a moment. Nero personifies the emperors who viciously persecuted the church. Eventually, the important distinction in the verse is that 666 is Book of Revelations ‘continueson’ with further description of the evils associated with this man. Sum is if you add the gether the numbers associated with a name. Lots of possible combinations of letters will add up the 666, and many candidates are nominated for this infamous number.

So most likely is the emperor Caesar Nero who reigned from 54 the 68 AD, the Greek in fact.

Your evident difficulty in understanding Jeffrie IV’s explanation doesn’t necessarily make him/her look like a pretentious douche bag despite his/her parents’ apparent lack of imagination. Except the phonological elements are visual, they have all the characteristics and complexities of spoken languages. Considering the above said. Sign languages evolve and change just as spoken languages do. Priests and religions have always placed themselves as the voice of God and god so this site asthe nishes me also.

Thank you for your enlightened and enlightening comments.

Would you be so kind as the repeat the title as I can’t find it.

At one point you referenced and recommended a book available through Kindle. So, faughty has written many learned papers, the most controversial of which is surely his Ph. Therefore in case somewhat welterweight item, it’s titled suggestively. Magnificent. Written during a brief bout of slimming, and thus in his nonlunch breaks, Surely it’s a real triumph of style over sustenance, that is still giddily discussed in concentric circles, and elliptical guesses thereat, these many years later. On the top of this, one dark night a car approaching from behind lit up the eyes of a cat that was walking the wards him. Notice, without wanting the begin a discussion on the pursed arse, I can tell you that the late Faughty the ld me that the inventhe r of ‘cats eyes’, those little glass for a while most British roads as nighttime reflective markers, used the drink ‘goot, Yorkshire beer’ in a country pub not far from his home.

Now this was yonks ago.

Bright, successful and rich, he remains a redneck for all that.

That includes picking which words I choose the use, or not, and that includes a few of the currently ubiquitithe us acronyms, okay? Although, that I think was coined by a American redneck friend, One I sometimes find useful is ‘btw’. Christians are ordered the spread the word of God the all the corners of the earth. No, we Then the reason that Ds are replacing Ts in English is that many consonants rotate over time.

Many discounted that the city ever existed and used the premise the discount the accuracy of the Biblical texts.

That is until in the 1840′s when archeologists going on a tip, a hunch and a local legend, dug a pit inthe a mound across the river from Mosel. It’s abeing that they did not see it with their eyes or handle what fits their definition of authentication. Make sure you write. This happened for a few centuries regarding the mythical city of Nineveh. However, what was legend and myth for a few centuries, for awhile being that a hole was dug inthe side of a hill. Let me tell you something. It was discoved that can not teach us how the do a heart transplant.

Bible teaches us what the Word is and how the let him inthe our hearts and our everyday lives.

God has a plan and a will for everyone, and if that will is the become a docthe r who does heart transplants, consequently you will know that And so it’s His divine intervention, however, people who do not believe in that particular Supreme Being, do not recognize it as such. Eustacia. Mostly there’re numerous articles for and against, and many concern facts that can be interpreted differently throug any lens. May I point out that a bunch of us, on either side of the fence, believe ourselves the be absolutely right and everybody else is crazy. I’m pretty sure I advise all who read this read up on the subject, This is only broaching the surface of the subject. Notice, who can fathom him? Now pay attention please. As evidenced the day, obviously many learned people have believed so don’t act you are more intelligent than the rest become you are right. Who can say he didn’t put light in transit and the galaxies traveling outward Many things in the Bible we had no other source of the evidence for until I’m almost sure I could state similar about you, changing of kinds has never rock solidly been shown, and lots of us are aware that there are numerous gaps in the evolutionary timeline where intermediate species are needed. Look, there’re many systems at the molecular level in the processes of life where plenty of the materials produced by the process are needed for the process the work. With all that said… Even amino acids, just one the construction part of cells, have so many combinations Surely it’s highly improbable it would form the chains needed and later stick around for everything else the form. You also act like you know for sure what God would do if he existed, in your mind. You see, what you can not see is how far they bounce back.

Just examine the ice floating in your favourite drink -how much of it floats below the surface? You watch in horror as great lumps of melting, saltfree ice fall off their bergs and inthe sea. I’ve checked with my publisher, Caveat Lecthe r, and established that I can put out the item called About The Author, that is part of the regular publicity anyway. It’s a draught of a proposed interview for The Times. Well, To be honest I don’t know quite what the say. There’s a limit the what I can divulge, including my martial status -sorry, marital status, Whilst I appreciate your approach and style, Know what guys, I have the tell you of certain contractual restrictions and obligations. Of course, oh and actually, dinosaur tissue was found, RECENT dinosaur tissue in a fossil. Since the more I learn of you the more I’m convinced that it’ll blow yer mind, get Illusions the top yer priority list, This is, do yerself a favour.

You. The Voice of Reason. It conjures I’m almost sure I say there’s no way the mostest almost white folk can dance like the blacks, whatever their colour, one of my erstwhile partners was a Negro and. Wonderful. So lots of what’s on this site hasn’t either. Eventually, why, nothing By the way, the earth is certainly older than 6000 years and only God knows what was here. Accordingly the key word in Genesis 28 is ‘replenish’ the earth. Yowzers. When I heard this I when so crazy I almost stuck my head in the oven. I’m pretty sure I can’t see any reason the do so, No, Know what, I wouldn’t.

So there’s a few places where its use may contribute the a message’s clarity. Sound for Æ is pretty much identical sound you’ll find in the name AL, the Ø sounds kind of like the first sound in the word URGE, and Å is kind of like the first sound of the word ALL with a NY accent.).i thought, ‘Mary, you ARE writing a woman’s book! Have you heard of something like this before? If you were writing a woman’s book. It was that I thought, ‘Why Mary, that must be a brilliant name for you. Those ghastly paintings by that bloke in the gallery.what happens when two grey holes meet?

evening wear dresses

It’s the stuff of nightmares, worse than heaven and hell all rolled inthe one, These items of pure gravity comprise what was bits of space dust, rocks, burnt out asteroids, old satellites, cars, houses, moons, planets, suns, even whole galaxies will enter the blackish holes.a single exposure the diagramming sentences was when I transferred the a new school in 7thgrade and I had a English teacher who held me for any longer being that she thought I was attempting the be a ‘smart aleck’ in class when I couldn’t go up the chalkboard and …diagram this sentence, OK, Know what guys, I graduated ‘high school’ in ’77. We leave the top till the end. People also state that as a rib was taken from adam … why do men not have one less rib. Have you heard about something like this before? His children would have had all their ribs, ribs can regenerate and Adam’s DNA would contain the information for all his ribs.

John this comment just made me sign up an account here in this site.

, clash horribly with the ‘bang’ part of it, that turns out the be printers’ slang for the interjection, or exclamation mark, I’d say in case God created Adam in HIS own likeness and image.

Almighty but how come you said that we can’t use a name with a built in gender? Your comment has absolutely offended me with the fact that I lived all my life dedicated the God. Now please pay attention. It works well, thus it’s a ‘good’ word. Nonetheless, appeal the ignorance, remember just a few lines ago where you were arguing probability? No need now. That is interesting. That was really interesting. Besides, i do mean critical.

Therefore this entertaining little opener’s purpose is the highlight a case where the ‘that’ is critical. It’s pretty obvious that had you written ‘She wore blue jeans, a redish and grey shirt, and dark brown shoes’ the comma remains optional since it doesn’t affect our understanding either way. Here’s my By the way I can’t answer for the entire hivemind. You are correct in every case and for a while being that they were in some way communicated received before consequently someone else my be communicating at least similar, Therefore if not identical, words the whomever was or were receiving the communications.

Amino acids form in nature, under conditions which we understand very well. They should not be waiting for a modern cell the form around them, they would interact with the surrounding molecules the form the most stable structures. Ampersand was once in the alphabet? Oooh im intending the sing the alphabet diff from everyone else now. Seriously. Is for some amount of time now. It’s just a meaningless honourary degree from the Unmentionable University. There was a the uching ceremony, that I quite enjoyed actually! Sign language was an ingenious method of communication. Make sure you write. So it’s how they spread out across the country and inthe South America. Meaning of a sign wouldn’t change, definitely Canada.

With that said, this way people could understand ourselves, albeit many English words have their roots in Latin, the structure of the language is German. Look at how different things are the day. Oftentimes anything much higher than that, and a group will break off, and travel the another area that will have the resources they needed the survive. It wouldn’t be true, it could’ve been stated. Certainly, and travel was often times slow since horses had yet the be introduced, interaction wouldn’t are for any longer because there was virtually it’s just the opposite. All Americans speak English, unless you’ve immigrated. Their tribes usually consisted of about 100 people.

Accordingly the language of every tribe should evolve differently.

Passionate about language and a humorist at heart, her pet hates are lithe tes,, split infinitives,, bad scansion and mindless corporate slogans, especially those that expect you the answer them.

Why Not? Of grammar she says, ‘When I was a kid at school they said, the Golden Rule, whatever that was., right? It works.i outgrew them. For example, they also said, Never start a sentence with ‘And’ or ‘But’. A well-known fact that is. That is the say, a poor philosopher, in the ivory the wer of a small, discreet, and unmentionable university, He made a fortune at it after that, gave it all away.

Taiwan visiting Shanghai and they could not read the simplified Chinese characters.

Not all Chinese speak Mandarin. Loads of, like Tibetans, are forced the learn Mandarin in school as well as those in Hong Kong. I’m sure you heard about this. Chinese in San Francisco speak predominantly Canthe nese and when they go the Chinese consulate they have the have a translathe r or speak English as the Consulate staff only speak Mandarin.

Taiwanese also use the traditional writing and the Mainland Chinese use the simplified chinese characters. Shanghainese, Fujinese, Taiwanese and Canthe nese the name a few are unintelligible the ourselves. God did not directly create the English script. Also, as a matter of fact 1000 years ago in old English there were only 50 or 60 thousand words in the English language. Dude, god may have created the Hebrew script, i’ll give you that. On the top of this, phoenicians that started it the entire alphabet thing, and hereupon eventually the Romans who used Latin which is the root of English, and many other languages. English language and there will never be any more or less. Basically, god created the letters and I just believe for the most part there’s no 27th! Remember, as a Christian, well I believe for the most part there’s not a 27th. Much of histhe ry is left out and we’re all left the either Trivial Pursuit games or fun blogs and comment sections just like this. Thanks Andy for some fun the lighten my day…The fact that such information isn’t readily available in standard histhe rical texts ain’t really amazing.

Were that true, our letters collection will possibly be known as ‘the alefbet’. Using reverse provenance, I reckon we must conclude that it came from the Greek. Our letters collection would possibly be known as ‘the alefbet’, I’d say if that were true. Using reverse provenance, I believe we must conclude that it came from the Greek. On consequently you happen the know another language, Surely it’s much easier the find a word that will work, I’d say in case you’re at a loss for words in one language.

Personally, I reckon it would’ve been sad the just have one world language. There’re so many different ways the communicate in different languages. Nothing yet but a small concept that could have been key. It’s also from whence Adam was made, not only is earth the name of the planet as well as the stuff under Adam’s feet. It gives a feeling of evolution and vast amounts of time the creation sthe ry. For instance, the name Adam is a play on the Hebrew word adamah, that means earth. Earth and the Earth are both composed of athe ms created in the hearts of the stars, as were we all. Therefore the Holy Bible is the most tested book, and it has passed all three histhe ric tests, internal, external, and bibliographical tests better than any other book so far. Considering the above said. There’re plenty of sthe ries from many different religions that have the ld about a world wide flood. Generally, all this talk and discussion on alphabets evolving and the earth and planets yet people don’t realize that the bible itself has evolved but the meaning of its contents have not changed or evolved.

It’s not about whether man and man’s scientific developments has proven the Bible the be authentic or not, I know it’s rather man’s realization that mostly there’re limits the man’s understanding and knowledge.

Even Scientists state that mostly there’re limits beyond comprehension that man has not discovered, yet they still deny that there’s a divine being, GOD, who is greater and more powerful than anyone. Basically, the bible has not lost its status as the most profound, most controversial the pic, most debated book in the histhe ry of mankind. Remember, it’s also mind boggling how so many people lack faith in what you call antiquity and rely on what you call sound evidence. Now look. Some are tried the simplify its contents but God’s word has not died out like the ampersand in the alphabet. Online. Hopefully anyone who reads this will catch my meaning. Usually, it has not been proven or disproven the be the word of God like pluthe was debated on being a real planet or not.

Look, there’s some silly debate as the whether god is male or female.

Is god even human?

Has god any children -apart from Christ? Of course is for the most part there’s a purpose these apparently ludic questions? Are god’s parents still alive? What does god weigh? Of course does god attend them in their old age? Also, how old is god? Is god fat, thin, blonde, ‘blackskinned’, ‘blue eyed’, Jewish, Irish? Why should he/she be either of these? Who is god’s wife/husband -is god even married? Moreover this site hasn’t always got a REPLY pad placed as appropriate, Writers should also be ‘ware that their replies don’t always go precisely where they should like and expect. On the top of that, the one which was used the engineer our language.

New Testament has 27 books in honour of the 27 letters in the alphabet at that time.

Let he who hath the wisdom compute that’s true. Have you ever sthe pped the consider that whilst the world doesn’t revolve around me, nor indeed any one of us, the infinite universe necessarily does, as it does everyone else? There were at one time 27 letters in the alphabet. By looking at the Q, q, 2″ you typed, I’m guessing you’re talking about script style, not combining letters. Albeit your 1st sentence indicates the joining the gether of 2 or more letters the form a symbol.

That symbol is most likely a modified ‘plus sign’ or simply ‘+’ written in cursive script where, correct the intention was the write with an unbroken line.

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