
It Was A Mindfuck To Turn A Fashion Show Into This Particular Informative And Thought-Provoking Experience: What Actually Happened At A Fashion Show For Period Underwear

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black lace dress i was deeply excited to attend the firstever THINX fashion show during NYC Fashion Week last Thursday.

Miki Agrawal, the founder of THINX, stood up and begin to speak.

How important Undoubtedly it’s to do so to create meaningful change, she opened up to say how hard And so it’s sometimes to acknowledge your personal privilege. My life intersects with all other lives, we read, and the oppression of one is the oppression of all. She led the audience in a Daybreaker inspired exercise reading a card aloud together. THINX fashion show rocked my world. Although, it taught me that a period underwear company can infiltrate the most highly publicized weeks in NYC and change lives. Just think for a moment. It reminded me to acknowledge what powers I do have and think about how I can activate them for social justice. Basically the lesson of the speeches was that people must have the strength to recognize the powers and privileges they posses, and that they must have the fearlessness to do good with them. It denies us the ability to speak comfortably and confidently about our own bodies. That shame is a really effective kind of oppression. Then again, whenever sparking a global conversation about how we treat menstruation in various cultures, and the story went completely viral.

Any came from various walks of life.

While THINX didn’t have to actually focus on menstruation whatsoever, one concern was clear.

The performance showcased the perspectives of a refugee, a comedian, an immigrant, a model, a trans man. It’s a well we have seen NY state lead the way in removing the luxury tax on tampons, women and girls worldwide speak and tweet openly about their periods, and the media writing about oncetaboo diseases like endometriosis and toxic shock syndrome that many women used to suffer in silence. It is a whirlwind year since after that,. That said, any performer hereafter got up and told their own story. Considering the above said. Whenever something that should use female energy to highlightTHINX’s mission of combating stigma around theworld, her energy immediately signaled that this night my be something from the heart. Now let me tell you something. At the start of the show, a woman stood up in the center and began to sing. Nonetheless, at the venue, there was a huge a line out the door.

THINX had created a ‘non ticketed’, equal viewing opportunity event first come, first served. Period underwear brand had also asked nearly any attendee to wear almost white, a clear call to action to dress in solidarity of combatting taboo. Upon admission, we were informed that we should be part of the show. Similar cubes were on the stage in the center of the room, Each guest sat on an almost white cube.

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