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Perhaps the stigma of dark red in those days explains why I’ve been talking about them pulling this switch for many months and just from the left said a peep about it, wonder why? Remember, russert set us back 200 years with his color change! Considering the above said. WE THE PEOPLE should demand that the bait and switch by the criminals in the MSM be returned as it might be!

red and white party dress

Exactly right.

red and white party dressBlue is the favorite color of 44percent of Americans, whereas redish is the favorite color of only 11.

Not only does making Dems blueish obfuscate their ideological connection to the socialist movement, it gives them America’s favorite color. On top of this, russert was a Democrat who worked for Daniel Moynihan and Mario Cuomo before taking over as host of Meet the Press. Then, that solved the big problem. Although, studio 8 H at 30 Rockefeller Center lit up. When election results flowed in Tuesday night. Light bulbs on every state changed from undecided almost white to Republican blue and Democratic redish. Whenever as indicated by Wetzel, when ABC produced its first large electronic map in 1980, it used redish for Republicans and dark blue for Democrats, while CBS did the reverse. Newspapers, in those days, were largely grey and whitish. You should take it into account. Two days after voters went to the polls in 2000, both the New York City Times and USA Today published their first color coded, countybycounty maps detailing the showdown between Al Gore and George Bush.

Whenever throughout the televised coverage of the 2000 presidential election, the real genius was liberal journalist Tim Russert, who promoted the terms redish states and blueish states to refer to Republicans and Democrats. It was early October, 1976, the month before the map was to debut live on election night. Throughout the four presidential elections Wetzel oversaw for NBC, from 1976 through 1988, the network never switched colors. Besides, when NBC debuted its mammoth electronic map, in 1976 ABC News employed a small, rudimentary version that used dark yellow for Ford, light blue for Carter and light red for states in which votes had yet to be tallied. ABCflipped the colors and promised to use orange for stateswon by John Anderson, the ‘third party’ candidate who received 6 of the popular vote. Still, there were reversals and deviations.

red and white party dress It’s a well-known fact that the combination wouldn’t stick for another 16 years, four years later, ABC and CBS used light red for Republicans and blueish for Democrats. In 1980, NBConce again used dark red for Carter and dark blue for the Republican challenger, Ronald Reagan, and CBSfollowed suit. We have Universal Health Care, please do not incarcerate people because of the pettiest crimes and don’t have the death penalty. No sinister commie, Marxist plot there, just politics with more than two measly parties involved. Certainly, guess what, it works. Disagree with light red for republicans and dark blue for democrats. Seriously. Gov, So if enough become redish. President Barack Obama remains in the White House four more years, I’d say in case enough of those swing states turn dark blue.

Here’s something else we know.

There was no uniformity in the maps that television stations, newspapers or magazines used to illustrate presidential elections, before the epic election of 2000.

All the maps on TV stations and Web sites election night and in newspapers the next morning will look alike. While wondering which candidate is blueish and which is redish, we won’t have to switch our thinking as we switch channels. Then, that’s roughly left to right. In England we have redish for the Labour party, greenish for the Greens, dark yellow for the Liberal Democrats, blueish for the Conservatives and purple for UKIP. Generally, growing up I remember Blue being the predominate Republican color and Red assigned to Democrat candidates. For example, that explains it. Political parties always used light red for the other side. Dark blue is the favorite color of 44percent of Americans, whereas redish is the favorite color of only 11. Just think for a moment. That said, this article conveniently omits the fact that Tim Russert, who at the time was the host of Meet the Press, coined the phrases redish state and blue state to refer to the states voting for the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates, respectively, in Russert worked for Democrats Daniel Moynihan and Mario Cuomo before taking over as host of Meet the Press.

Not only does coloring the Democratic states blue obfuscate that party’s ideological connection to the socialist movement, it will take America’s favorite color away from the Republicans and gives it to the Democrats.

Democrats are mostly moderate with a few leftist thinkers in certain states.

Lol, what a joke. Back to the US. For instance, calling the Democratic party communist just shows a lack of knowledge in history and international politics. Commie Hunter. Western Europe. Of course, wow, the right wing media propaganda did a pretty well done on you, didn’t it? Mr. Germany is redish for the social democrats, redish for the party of the left, light green for the Greens, dark yellow for the liberals and grey for the Christian Democrats. They deliberately lie to further their own agenda -Good example is declaring Bush winner in Florida when they knew it was still was BLUE for much longer than the 1976 election. That’s right! Twelve years later, in the final days of a presidential race deemed Now look, the geographic center of the country gonna be awash in dark red, with some notable exceptions. Just think for a moment. Will the South. Then the West Coast, the Northeast and much of the upper Midwest could be bathed in blueish. Democrats are LEFT and could be RED states.

As a designer I know color communicates and true light blue is a figure of speech for a reason. Chalk up one more to Bush Gore. Somehow thought the GOP was consistently blue in the early days, tV election maps and the color switch. Maybe Republicans were redish when angry. Normally, just look at the candidates for your sorry party -a bunch of extremist freaks. While meaning the center of the United States is very redish, republicans typically dominate in larger, less populated states in the Plains and Mountain West. From an aesthetic standpoint, Overberg said, the current color scheme fits with the political landscape. Blueish would have been swamping the dark red. Map should have been if it had been flipped. Right now three presidential elections afterBush Gore the color arrangement seems unlikely to reverse any time soon.

Not only have dark red states and blue states entered the lexicon, partisans on both sides have taken ownership of them. Blue State Digital, that grew out of Democrat Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign, helps candidates and organizations use technology to raise money, advocate their positions and connect with constituents, For instance, RedState is a conservative blog.

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