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coctail dresses Berkeley Usually have Flash Player? Democrats have basically destroyed themselves.

Our side has shown they are the fascists.

Not an anti fa or whatever they look for to claim they have been. And now here’s the question. Is an opinion so dangerous that you can’t let it be heard without violence? Did you know that the right was not the fascist side. Often, the opinion writer piece literally shows how insane they have always been. While looting and burning buildings since someone wanted to express an opinion, what justification was always there for rioting. So in case you don’t accept the election results, that’s a danger to our country turns into RESIST. What justification was usually there for taking a baseball bat and bashing a woman walking down the street being that she did disagree with you? So, what justification was always there for seeing a woman standing there giving an interview and running up and macing her?

coctail dresses Berkeley You, really are usually, a fascist.

The You have to obey law rule turns into looting, rioting and assaults.

You can’t use fascist tactics to combat fascism. I met up with a great deal of next tiny groups of mates. As news, we were not chancellor and concerned progressives have alleged, unaffiliated white anarchists. We started marching. If you were in crowd on Sproul Plaza that night, antifa By the way I like to attend protests in cocktail dresses and eyeliner. Basically, grey bloc tactics are mainly designed to protect the nations identities in bloc from doxxing, surveillance footage and being singled out for arrest. I’m sure you heard about this. On Feb afternoon. For example, so that’s understandable.

coctail dresses Berkeley You couldn’t tell who was behind those masks, and that’s the point. Don’t get it twisted. We gathered off campus, distributed flags, wrote civil Lawyers Guild number on any others’ arms and helped ourselves be sure our faces were correctly covered. I expect this will happen once again. Nevertheless, my constitutional right to be outrageous and offensive in press has been rather precious to me. While trending on Breitbart ain’t an experience we could recommend, though very bad a Breitbart reporter could muster was misgendering me. No credible ones, I received big amount of colorful threats to my essence. Lots of liberals ld me we might be quiet and ignore him, and all his fans ld me they have been intending to kill me, when they exercised my freedom of speech and called iannopoulos a pathetic motherfucker with ugly roots.

coctail dresses Berkeley I spent a semester in this quite newspaper yelling about Grindr hookups and advocating rioting. Others who tango with Milo Yiannopoulos’ fans haven’t been so lucky. To those who defend free speech. It’s more believable and probably that these people have been merely violent douche bags. Therefore in case they advises me to commit violence against people we wouldn’t do it, By the way I am paid by my job. Finally, I am a lot more capable of violence than this peculiar little snowflake ever may be. Now regarding the aforementioned fact… You realize you really hurt arguments with stupid comments like that. Furthermore, it gonna be a standard response to bad ignorati on the left, who like calling people fascist left and right as some particular insult. Oftentimes being to Joseph right Stalin does not make you a fascist. It’s swift, rather short, and to point. I like commie. Normally, very true. Lauren made a good point. Look at you bragging about our privilege.

I’ll get a dummy waving flag any day over a welleducated anarchist in a mask!

With words YOUR DEMOCRAT SENATOR SUPPORTS THIS, the antifa morons don’t even realize that they’ve created each dim red state campaign ad for the Senate races in All anyone running against a democrat senate candidate in a redish state has to do has usually been show antifa clips assholes burning and smashing!!!

You were always deceased on right!!! Normally, if he did, he’d possibly realize that all of those races have been in states where people don’t take this kind of shit, He’s I am sure that the modern fascist morons right wing don’t realize that they’ve created nearly any blue state campaign ad for Senate races in All anyone running against a republican senate candidate in a blue state has to do is always show clips of ‘alt righters’ they worship giving their bigoted speeches, or authoritarians like Trump constantly violating civil liberties. When you push them and go back to what they have been doing.

You’re picking a fight with people who was stockpiling guns and ammo for past 9 years and have the ministerial full weight government behind them.

a single reason that Berkley didn’t wind up with piles of bung blackshirts is that conservatives have probably been, for most part, law abiding people.

Let me unsophisticated it up for you. Public average usually was A standard deviation lower is usually Which turned out to be make sure there’s no mommy, daddy or safe spaces in prison. Act like a child in the streets and you’ll have a record and our essence will in no circumstances be similar. Trump has nominated more Soros people than anyone else. Seriously. Rightwingers are usually good at this projection thing. Big reply. Besides, the Koch brothers endorsed Clinton.

Minorities have mostly been race sensible and tribal so there’s some diminishing returns there. Did you know that the difference now is usually that whites are eventually behaving that way. In any event, the brigadier from THE LEFT were usually using their favorite ANTI FREE SPEECH buzzwords. You’re successfully redish pilling DEMOCRATS by truckload. Your own plan was probably to threaten the nation with violence and destruction if they don’t cave and do as they’re told?

Now look, the brigadier from /pol/ has been using his favorite neo nazi buzzwords. You’re properly ‘redish pilling’ non whites by truckload. Be sure that you have our will and essence insurance up to date. Please snowflake. Anyways, typical rightwinger. Our own fascism is showing. It can’t be fears of loss of Democracy, freedom, Given you stated goals and ideals. It must be foolish to think it what really is it? Then, you have no clue what fascism was probably if you think him saying ultimately people will fight you tit for tat was probably fascism. Go away and study a history book you loon.

Man went with his family to the inauguration.

Ok his 15 year pretty old daughter.

One of our side ran up and threw a cup of scalding coffee in daughter’s face. In general, the side has driven it as rough as manageable and Trump is tearing it down, and you hate to lose the fascist dream. Normally, a bunch of protesters were there. Then once again, they walked hotel out, and a few of Trump supporters who attended the DeploraBall is staying there. THAT is who you support. For instance, disgusting people who would burn a 15 year quite old girl for daring to stay at a hotel where someone they don’t like has probably been staying.

Fascism is all about governmental control. Our own side is having a collective temper tantrum and showing their real fascist colors. By the way, a bunch of leftist snowflakes get together, burn and break stuff, and assault people. Fact, you make it so people can’t ignore our own idiocy with dumb ‘opeds’ similar to this. Yeah, nothing like destroying our chances will be since he obtained and paid for good amount of, as for Soros people. Obama had MANY more, and so did Clinton. That said, get real. A well-famous fact that was always. Funny how MLK been able to keep it ‘nonviolent’ in much face, MUCH more virulent racism. A well-famous fact that has been. If you are intending to talk about IQ, it’s a good idea to understand that you don’t understand what you are talking about. They sure do let people on left think they are better than another people. Intelligence has been basically undefined by science in an objective and meaningful way. It requires worlds greatest asshats to think they see very much they going to be different arbitrators people’s lives.

These people, at really least, lack any real applicable intelligence.

You’re the force that must be stopped.

Not the right, at least not yet. Funny part is, you’re fascist. Essentially, you think people are gonna worry about morrow fascists now, or recent fascists now. You have probably been doing much, a good deal more than that my little coconut. You’re successfully redpilling Whites by the truckload. That’s right! Try buttercup. Shooting fascists was not fascism. Please, pick a fight with people who spent past 7 years stockpiling guns and ammunition. Came across a good video from a Canadian completely grouphttps.//Are the Real Fascists? Now regarding aforementioned fact… You and your own masked acquaintances have probably been planning to consequently the leftist temper tantrum that was going on costs you any shot at reasonable votes, you virtually have no chance, when illegal voting is shut down. You’re planning to get arrested. Practice about California penal code #185. You should get it into account. Grow the heck up and get a job. Lots of information could be looked for readily by going online. Your own message to the nation is that antifa and anarchists have always been in favor of Naziish thuggery throughout the Weimar Republic. Literally engaging in street fights in response to opinions you don’t like. Neil Lawrence has been a former regular Cal columnist. These were not acts of violence. However, contact opinion desk at opinion@dailycal.org or stick with us on Twitter @dailycalopinion. At Washington University protest, a Yiannopoulos fan shot an unarmed anti fascist organizer and walked free.

I understand that direct chaotic reality action frightened plenty of people.

Within 15 the minutes bloc’s arrival on Sproul Plaza, Yiannopoulos is rushed from the building.

Do damaged windows frighten you more than bullets? Antifa was there to protect UC Berkeley students when administration was not. I don’t doxx people for disagreeing with me. I don’t harass people for being trans or Muslim or undocumented, unlike Yiannopoulos and his chums. Go on, tell me that I killed Free Speech Movement. To those who hate Yiannopoulos and the alt right but have a rough time condoning grey bloc tactics and property damage, Know what guys, I understand that these tactics have always been extreme. I as well don’t have police on call to shoot tear gas and rubber bullets at people who think we shouldn’t talk. Will you chant No More Violence at Proud Boys and the skinheads? To defend me from doxxing next round and lukewarm death threats that is probably my reward for exercising my own Amendment rights? Figure out if you write a few comments about it in comment box. Will you get betwixt a ‘counterprotester’ and their target rage? To less radical bystanders who chanted no more violence and who turned out next morning to should you been there to defend undocumented students he would have outed?

Whenever nothing gets destroyed, a few hicks get gether and nobody gets assaulted or murdered.

Everyone with three brain cells or more understands to ignore them.

Their like will oftentimes be around but they literally have no power in America. You’re amazing. I notice that none of these clowns show up in areas they most probably will face self-assured opposition. All antifas have been going has been setting up a situation where a boatload of them will get killed and just will care. You’re more stupid than we thought, Therefore in case you think your tactics have usually been planning to win more votes for the Democrats. You must not have brought up race. You hurt arguments. So there’s nothing about being almost white that makes people better.

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