
One Of My Favorite Face Paint Costume Ideas Was The Bald Man Who Went As An Eight-Ball – Coming Up With A Cheap Fancy Dress Party Outfit

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One clever fancy dresser donned a suit, a cowboy hat and a gas can.

He was instantly transformed into George Bush.

party dresses cheap One funny lady wore all whitish with two yellowish dots on her chest, you can take the easy way out and be as simple as possible. Although, remember that the trick is to work with what’s in your closet or cheaply available at your local thrift store, if the party deadline is looming and your budget is tight. Have you heard of something like that before? Another inexpensive way to spice up a fancy dress costume is makeup. Cheap and easy, the right makeup can take a carefully planned costume to the next level. He threw on a blackish turtleneck, slathered himself in grey makeup and he was instantly recognizable. You can even make your own homemade face paint if you’re ambitious. All it takes is 2 parts corn starch, 1 part cold cream, 1 part water and some food coloring and you’ve got easytoapply, ‘non toxic’ makeup. One of my favorite face paint costume ideas was the bald man who went as a ‘eight ball’. Eventually, fancy Dress parties aren’t about who spent the most money or who has the best tailor, they’re about having fun and showing off your originality and creative costume ideas to your friends.

Relax, put away the wallet, take a look around your own closet and you’ll come up with something in no time.

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