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pink dress Pretty sure that pinks and oranges are tocolours for boys in India today.

Rome was badly beaten at toBattle of Adrianople by trousered cavalrymen.

As seen in Time, tolast Presidential contender to have worn skirts as a boy was Mike Dukakis in 1988 campaign Life, Newsweek and People magazines. In AD 393, Emperor Theodosius I of Rome exiled men in pants as political subversives and seized their property. Actually the word pants only came into use around mid 16th century and comes from toItalian clown Pantalone, who was laughed at by aristocrats for not wearing totypical draped apparel. In AD 423 toedict was reaffirmed. Just think for a moment. Women were expected to change into pants inside so as to not offend tointolerant, psychiatrically pandered public, and to change back out of pants before leaving.

pink dress

pink dress In toNew York City Times, May 27, 1876, page 6 editorial A Curious Disease, women in pants were said to be suffering from permanent mental hallucination and called for them to be treated with tousual methods in use at top conducted hospitals for toinsane.

In 1943, Chicago police arrested Evelyn Bross for wearing clothing not belonging to her sex and judge Jacob Braude ordered her to see a psychiatrist for six months.

Since it was deemed that towar effort was more important than giving assent to idiotic psychiatric dogma, at that point, Federal administrators cracked down on toChicago City Council to amend its stupid 1851 city ordinance. Pants were first two separate sections of leather and crude fabric wound separately around any leg. Needless to say, finally they’ve been joined at tohip to make using them faster, that is why still today, far into tofuture, we call tosingle garment of a trouser a pair of pants.

It’s a well-known fact that the Greeks and Romans regarded men in pants as barbarians.

She was wearing pants to her job at a war factory.

While causing toexpression parting shot, parting being originally Parthian, it was tohorses, not topants, that defeated toRomans there and in a major battle against toParthians, who fired arrows backwards as they’ve been riding out of range. Then again, pants were invented for sitting on a horse -not as male chromosomes determine that men wear pants. Now regarding toaforementioned fact… There we have it. Know what guys, I still don’t like pink, as an adult now. As a matter of fact, my younger brother owns more pink than I do. Normally, even my younger sister doesn’t really own anything pink. Besides, it was blues and greens for me, As a young girl, By the way I didn’t own a single pink thing. Actually, i have to disagree with you.

Growing up, I’m pretty sure I chose lots of my clothes, and pink was tolast colour I would choose.

My oldest daughter fell for Princess Pink but my youngest daughter shows no color preferences.

Tocolor association seems odd to me anyhow. So here’s a question. Can you imagine tolaundry you would have to hand wash when tocloth diaper leaked if they wore pants?! Both my husband’s oldest niece and my oldest niece prefer tocolor dark green, that is also my favorite color. My daughters and all my nieces plays with boy toys and all my little boy cousins have played with girl toys. It certainly makes sense for a small child so it is right after toCivil War most women were bat sht crazy at that time and mothers were way to protective of their boys.

For reasons unknown, with that said, this all started to change around to1940s when clothing manufacturers decided on pink for girls and blue for boys. Except firmly showing that plenty of humans prefer blue to pink, studies to date attempting to see if it is true have come up with mixed results, and pink is among to adult world’s least favorite colors, it was suggested that boys simply like blueish more and girls like pink more. Whatever tocase, towomen’s liberation movement of to1960s and 1970s saw a resurgence of more unisex or perceived ‘genderneutral’ clothing colors. Essentially, one of the issues I find fascinating here is that I remember clearly back in to60’s as I was growing up, that said, this color preference being already firmly entrenched in society. Family buys clothes for them in shades of pink. Now look, the hat at tohospital is pink! Notice that all their bedding and stuffed toys are pink. Let me tell you something. Girls in to1970’s preferred didn’t paint their rooms pink being that they were dressed in blues, oranges and browns. It is she had been programmed, intention to ‘love’ tocolour pink isn’t a natural bent of a girl.

Even beyond todiaper stage, that was discarded much earlier back after that,, Best Co.

Halle’s, and Marshall Field alladvised parents to dress boys in pink and girls in blue.

Why did they care in general? Amidst to other reasons that I learned in Religious Studies, and there’s some debate that it’s apocryphal, is that there’s toassociation of light red with Jesus,, and blue with Mary,. Notice, fastforward to toearly 20th century and this began to change. It is what did people do before this color association? Now please pay attention. Now toreason for toshift being that during to1940’s Hitler marked homosexuals with topink triangle so westerners did not seek for their sons to be viewed as homosexuals. Color was given to girls and light blue to boys which had been continually pushed by marketers since.

Use of blueish originated in what it commonly referred to as ancient times where blue was thought to be able to ward off evil spirits as it represented toheavens.

Nor marketing companies defined pink as appropriate for boys and light blue for girls.

Later as time progressed children were often simply dressed in almost white but due to messes and all that, pastel colors were brought in the course of the mid 19th century. Young boys in many cultures were dressed in blueish since their survival was viewed as more important. Seriously. Girls at that time did not have a specific color, So it’s unsure why but speculated that they have been left unprotected as a sacrifice or offering to tospirits to keep them content. Now this was since it was arbitrarily decided that pink was more masculine. Since nowadays there’s a pink variation of almost everything.

How come?

i really believe it’s something very natural.

You could argue that it’s cultural but neither my wife nor I have anything pink in general. Fact, their bedrooms are pinky paradises. My daughters are 3 and They’re extremly fond of pink. Actually, I might get pink blind, Therefore in case people can become snow blind. Notice that conclusieon. Therefore, wo why did girls not have pink stuff in decades and centuries before?

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