
They Plan To Circulate The Petition In School Monday – Menu

prom gownsThe students say neither the student handbook nor prom contract explain what is considered appropriate for prom.

They plan to circulate the petition in school Monday, then deliver it to education board and Headmaster Beth Smith. Anyway, the prom recent announcement dress code has sparked much anger, upset, and controversy, as you are likely well aware. Nevertheless, we would like to address this unfair and sexist policy as well the overall dress code policy of Shelton High School. We students should have some say in what we are able to wear, as the people who must live under these rules.

We would like to once again reiterate that this is not an outrageous request for a complete lack of a dress code in the school.

Not wanting clothing that depicts drugs or gang symbols is perfectly acceptable. Not wanting spiked or chained accessories that could be a safety hazard is perfectly acceptable. With all that said… Not wanting students to wear overly exposing clothing is perfectly acceptable. Accordingly the dress code could be fair and just so long as two things were done. Certainly, the first is to ensure that all the rules are evenly enforced on all students. Administrators should not be biased or selective when enforcing these rules. By the way, the second is to be reasonable. That’s interesting. Just look at any summer fashion magazine for girls, any junior’s summer clothes department, any dress shop intended for prom dresses. You’ll see how hard pressed a girl is to find long enough shorts and skirts or a dress that wont show too much skin nowadays. That’s where it starts getting very interesting. You also can’t expect students to not wear more breathable and skin exposing clothing as the weather heats up. Nonetheless, spring and summer are getting hotter and hotter in recent years. ‘ says the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, I’d say if you don’t believe it just look at the facts ‘March 2015 was the warmest March since recordkeeping began in 1880. Known ‘ 2015 first quarter was the warmest first quarter on record in those same 136 years…. Did you hear of something like this before, is that the case? The 10 warmest years on record have occurred in the past 17 years’. You see, the world is changing and the dress code should adapt to fit it.

As Shelton students Public School, we want our voices heard on this prom controversy and the dress code as a whole.

The students were not properly informed on what could and couldn’t be worn to prom. Nonetheless, that shouldn’t mean they don’t get to enjoy among the biggest nights of their school lives. These girls might be able to wear their dresses regardless of whether they follow these newly announced regulations. All students have a fair chance to buy outfits in accordance with the rules since If you really can’t tolerate these styles of dresses then set up an official school dance attire policy at next start year. Just allow these dresses this year, the girls weren’t told they couldn’t wear them until it was eight days before the prom. Depriving them of this special night is heinous when they weren’t given a fair chance to get proper attire.

They say the principal announced Friday morning that backless dresses, ‘cutouts’, and two piece outfits in which the midriff is exposed wouldn’t be allowed. Therefore the school’s headmaster says she reiterated the dress code after some students began sharing photos of their prom dresses, and administrators and staff felt some were inappropriate. No outlines were given in the handbook on appropriate prom attire, and the section on ‘Behavior at school activities/dances’ offered no guidelines on appropriate attire. Besides, the prom contract gives only a vague policy on prom attire ‘Appropriate formal dress and behavior are expected. Did you hear of something like this before, right? Students dressed inappropriately shall not be allowed into the dance and there may be no refund. Keep reading! It is unfair to release the dress guidelines eight days before the dance and expect every person to have a dress that follows them, It takes a long time to pick out a dress or have one custom made, even longer for any necessary alterations to be made. They cannot announce it just before the year biggest dance, if the school is to enforce a new dress policy.

Announced along with the prom dress policy was a reminder that with warmer arrival weather girls need to be mindful that they do not wear too revealing clothing. These policies about short shorts, miniskirts, spaghetti straps. So regulations on prom dress both stem from the same problem in our schools and our society. So, boys are not distracted or tempted to behave inappropriately because There is a sexist and backwards logic that girls must cover up. Who really needs to be told to control themselves, if a girl wears a pair of shorts and a boy takes that as an invitation to touch her. Teach boys self control and that they aren’t entitled to a girl’s body just because she dressed in a way that made her feel beautiful or just didn’t want to get overheated, Don’t teach girls to hide their bodies. Actually, in a time when so many young girls struggle with body image should we not encourage them to be comfortable enough in their own skin to allow people to see it, am I correct? Then again, please do not mistake this as a plea for there to be no restrictions or regulations on what students can wear. Having a dress code is perfectly fine so long as it is in place for legitimate reasons and it is equally enforced on all students. Usually, a cheerleader can wear a same skirt length or shorter all day without being bothered about it, there islots of us know that there is no reason one girl should wear skirt that is deemed too short and she is removed from class and made to wait for her parent to bring a change of clothes. There ismostly there’s no reason why a boy should’ve been able to sag is pants well below the waist but a girl should be shamed if her shorts show her slightest bit buttock. Seriously. There isSo there’s no reason why the boys at Mr. For instance, student Body should are allowed to parade around the stage in some their boxers but a girl can’t wear a backless dress to prom. Also, this selective enforcement of school dress code is unacceptable.

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